God has called Tina to spread the news that God is Good and to help the poor and needy. When you come along side and partner with Tina through prayer and financial contributions, you become part of a mission larger than yourself. You not only bless the people that are being encouraged by this ministry, but you start a supernatural flow of your finances, and you partake of the blessings that are on Tina and her ministry. This is how things work in the kingdom of God!
As a partner, you have the promise of Tina daily standing with you in prayer.
“He who gives the the poor shall not lack!” – Proverb 28:27
If you prefer, you can mail your gift:
The Encouragement Center
P O Box 4350
Carlsbad, CA 92018
All donations are through Tina’s 501c3 charity, The Encouragement Center, and are fully tax deductible.
Fed ID# 90-0123333